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Core Concepts

Core Concepts of Natures Loving Embrace
Nature's Loving Embrace

Core Concepts

We are One with Nature & We share a Common Humanity

We are inherently interconnected to Nature, to each other and to All of Life


By connecting to nature, we learn more about what it means to be human. We are given ears to listen to the wisdom that is calling us to embrace the transformative stages of our lives.


Irrespective of our differences in beliefs, culture, language or spiritual practice, we are all human. Our shared humanity is what we have in common. Together, we share our planet and are deeply interconnected to one another. We are more alike than we are different and honouring this shared humanity enables us to feel a genuine sense of connection to all of life.


Compassion & Non-Judgement

 Compassion and care are at the core of our well being, our connection to All of Life and the heart of healing wisdom that breathes within every one of us.


Healing and wholeness begins when we purposefully connect to the Loving Wisdom that is a cornerstone of our being, helping us to honour all parts of ourselves and our shared humanity.


In Nature's Loving Embrace, we practice and extend compassion from our own selves and then unto others, thus creating a safe, healing and inclusive space for everyone.

Joyful Inner Peace is our Nature

 Joyful peacefulness is the naturally open and relaxed human state that we are born with. We can return home to this state when our nervous systems are regulated, our feelings are deeply felt and honoured, our needs are met, and we feel safe.


Allowing ourselves to connect to and attune our bodies and hearts in harmony, paves a pathway to experiencing this state with greater frequency. 


With ongoing practice and awareness (which takes place in Nature's Loving Embrace programs) we can experience this state more regularly and receive the natural wisdom that resides within this state of being, helping us move with grace through Life's various challenges.

We are

Artful Healers

We are inherently creative beings. In every moment of our lives, we are invited to create through that which life has given us.


Through each and every cycle, stage or challenge, we can restore ourselves to a sense of wholeness, transcending through  artful ceremony.


As human beings, we are all naturally artists. 


Returning to the purest state of artist as healer, we remember that it is not the product or perfection of technique, but rather the healing experienced through the expressive process of our art that is the most restorative gift.

Rites of Passage & Ceramony

When we allow ourselves to celebrate and honour each new stage of our lives, with the innate wisdom it contains, we can move through each with more hope and grace.  Honouring these moments, cycles or rites of passage can be a way to discover oneself and evolve. 


Ceremony is central to our Humanity. It is  pivotal for our psyche to move forward through every stage and event of our lives with wisdom, grace, closure and embrace an openness to new beginnings. The act of ceremony strengthen the structures in consciousness through which healing energy can flow. 

7 Feminine Archetypes
in Teen & Women Circles


The concept of Archetypes go as far back as Plato, but were refined by Swiss psychoanalyst, Carl Jung.  He described archetypes as universal energy patterns of instinctual behaviour that transcend time and culture. They lie at the core of our shared human experience and they help us understand ourselves (what motivates, excites, and influences us) and how we relate to others and create within our lives.


Harnessing these energies, and understanding their light (gifts and strengths) and shadow (weakness and challenges), allows us to shape our lives in empowering and healing ways. 


Feminine Archetypes are interwoven into concepts, stories, and myths within Nature's Loving Embrace's circles and workshops that are developmentally appropriate for each life stage.

Gentle & Conscious

Tiny Feet

Psychologists and pediatric healthcare professionals agree that a gentle parenting or positive parenting approach to raising kids is one of the most beneficial parenting strategies. It not only positively impacts your child’s mental and emotional health, but it can also have lasting, long-term effects on the relationship you’re building with them.


The goal of gentle parenting is to raise confident, independent and happy children through empathy, respect and understanding, and setting healthy boundaries. This parenting style focuses largely on age-appropriate development.  Instead of focusing on punishment and reward, gentle parenting focuses on improving a child’s self-awareness and understanding of their own behaviour.  This gives them powerful tools to be conscious individuals and to support the development of positive mental health and emotional intelligence (which studies show to be a greater impact in success than intellectual intelligence)


Gentle parenting is not giving your child more freedom, letting them do whatever they want.  Rather, it is establishing firm boundaries in a loving, respectful (and at times playful) way while working together to try to help improve your child's behaviour and develop the skills they need to manage more difficult situations as they grow.  Due to the situation handled in a gentle, loving and compassionate way, the child is more likely to respond with empathy, intelligence and mutual understanding.  This teaches them how to deal with life with an ever increasing emotional maturity.  This gives them invaluable tools for their life and creates harmony within the family and within themselves.


All of Nature's Loving Embrace programs revolve around these principals and help to foster and develop these skills for both children and parents.  Nature's Loving Embrace models the safe boundaries, respectful listening, emotional self-regulation, self-reflection and self-care needed to implement this type of parenting for both our child within and the ones we care for.


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​© 2024 by Nature's Loving Embrace

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