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Coming of Age Circles

Coming of Age Circles

Come Join us Teens Aged 12-15
A 12-Week Course, Mondays 7:00-8:30


In our ancient times, we celebrated a girl's coming of age as a powerful rite of passage and shared the unique wisdom of becoming a woman with all of the rich mystery and wisdom that we contain in our bodies, hearts and our innate connection to nature and her cycles of life.

Nature's Loving Embrace circles encourages the beauty and mystery of being strong, loving, embodied and confident young women able come back to ourselves, centred in our bodies and hearts and reclaiming our power from within. 

This is a very special and important opportunity for teens to gather among themselves, experience how nurturing it is to be supported, accepted, held and heard by others in a safe and supportive group of young women. It allows them to sink deeply into sisterhood and the mysteries of becoming a woman, safely held and guided by supportive mentors.

The need for a rite of passage from childhood to adulthood is a biological one. 
If our adolescent self does not sufficiently risk itself to be seen and acknowledged by the larger community of adults, we will continue this yearning, this quest into adulthood and carry with us a sense of incompleteness.  This is why so many of our teens in our culture act-out (or take self harming risks) as they are striving to be seen and honoured in this moment of passage in their life where they are passing from childhood into adulthood.

Circle Topics Include:

Developing a positive Body Image
Healthy Authentic Emotional Expression & Communication
Skills in regulating our Nervous Systems
for Inner Peace, Mental Health & Clarity
Navigating Harmonious friendships & Understanding the Keys to Healthy Relationships
Celebrating one's unique self & Gifts to offer the World
Finding One's voice
Setting & Maintaining Healthy boundaries
Understanding Healthy Intimacy & Sensual Well-Being
Self-Compassion, Self-Respect & Self-Care
Harnessing Feminine Intuition


  • Deep Listening & Sharing


  • Supportive activities which nurture the Body, Mind and Spirit


  • Empowering Ancient Feminine Stories & Myths that weave together archetypal wisdom that we share in our Human Experience time and time again and contain topics of Feminine Mysteries


  • Discovering the wisdom of Rites of Passage and our own unique heroin's journey into our own initiation.


  • Learning the gentle dance between allowing and honouring authentic feelings while also the permission to gather wisdom and strength to move through challenges with Grace and Empowerment


  • Small, choice lead, artful healing activities that are nourishing to your soul.  These are process, not product orientated (the healing, wisdom, emotional process and joy comes through the process of making the art, and it does not matter what it looks or sounds like)


Coming of Age Circles Gifts this through:



12 Week Program

Week 1:  Feminine Wisdom
Living by the Moon
Week 2: Sun Wisdom

Awakening Inner Wisdom & Intuition
Week 3:  Shadow Wisdom

Spending time  Alone- Inner Reflection
Week 4:  Wind Wisdom

Finding your Voice
Week 5:  Dream Wisdom

Exploring your Dreams
Week 6:  Fire Wisdom

Expressing your Creativity
Week 7:  Earth Wisdom

Honouring your Body
Week 8:  Water Wisdom

Celebrating Menstruation

Week 9: Flower Wisdom

Discovering Intimacy and Sexuality

Week 10: Moon Circle

Weaving the Web of Community

Week 11: Moon Gift

Giving Back to the World

Week 12:  Moon Dance

Celebrating Coming of Age

Circle & Workshop Structure

Each Circle & Workshop is trauma sensitive and held in a compassionate container, honouring each individual's experience, needs and emotions. In circle, everyone is respected as equal and therefore structure is to support in loving respect of all that are present, allowing equal time for everyone.  There is a time for relaxation, introspection, and participation in planned activities focused on feminine wisdom and nature that are supportive of the theme of each particular gathering.  Each woman can can always choose and honour what feels right for her in each moment. One may participate or simply 'be,' anytime she feels called. In Nature's Loving Embrace, you will feel seen, felt, honoured, and celebrated in who you are without having to be anything other than you are in that moment.  We practice deep listening without trying to fix others. One receives a sense of truly being seen with understanding and compassion, which is an important human need that is often not met in our modern culture. 

You are honoured as whole and this allows you to access you own inner wisdom.


Compassionate Support like No Other

In Nature's Loving Embrace Circles, you can be vulnerable and you don't have to worry about what anyone thinks. Whatever happens in the Circle is very confidential. This is a safe place where everyone is accepted as an equal, sharing our human experience of coming of age.  In this space, we're all caring, we're all understanding, we're sharing your journey and we all know that adolescence can be challenging, but that there are tremendous gifts of wisdom waiting to be opened.

The Circle is your space to celebrate the beautiful young woman you are. Even when you're finding it a little bit difficult, within the Circle, you can reset and find balance and work out where it is you want to get to and how.  You learn how to access and connect to your own inner wisdom so that you can make the right choices for yourself in your life.
These circles are held in a very compassionate, safe container and empowering Coming of Age topics are explored through discussion, artful ceremony, myth & joyful engagement. 
Our circles are a safe space where we respect each other for our uniqueness and never judge, allowing the healing, growth, inner wisdom and peacefulness to unfold naturally for ourselves and for those around us.  

Through holding space for one another, we practice this essential skill of loving presence that we can then use in our friendships, future partnership and as parents one day.   This deeply present connection to one another is a restorative gift and provides an essential base in the positive development of our lives.

Connect with Daniela to Sign Up or Enquire More,

All Questions are Welcome

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